Homecoming has always been a fun tradition in
Grantsville and this year was no different!
I was going to list each day and all that happened but decided it would be waaaaaay too long. So I'm just going to sum it up.
A picture is worth a thousand words........
Everyday was a new surprise for Dev.
(Thanks Macie your the best!)
Cute signs and decorations all over his room!
Lots of balloons, confetti, crape paper, and "caged bears"
TWO yep that's two candy bar signs!
(16 year old football players need lots of energy!)
The parade was tons of fun!
Fan Fest was a blast!
Our cute Macie :)
The game didn't turn out the way we wanted but it was still an awesome week for the whole community.
I would like to say a great big .......
to Krista Hutchins for all the hard work she did to make it such a success and anyone else who volunteered thanks!