I'm am truly sorry to all you Christmas Freaks.......
but PLEASE can't you just wait until Nov. 28th?
I know I know I'm a hypocrite! Me blinging out my blog for Halloween A.S.A.P
I'm just not ready for the lights and music and blow up teddy bears on peoples lawns, I get an ulcer just thinking about it! Christmas is supposed to be such a joy full time of year and yet I mostly feel stressed! Yes Me! Mrs. doesn't worry about anything, but for some reason Christmas stresses me out! Sooo much pressure.....
Deep Breathes!!
Serenity now, serenity now.
It's alright my heart rate is returning to normal. (I think?)
So please if you feel the need to Christmas out your blog,
or yard, or life please let me know so I can avoid it at all cost!
I know "deep seeded issues!"
I lost a baby that would be 5 years old this November,
I lost my mom December 29th 2005,
I know this has added to my feelings, did I forget to mention the cold? (not a big fan!)
jeez I'm whining allot! ok quick list of things I like about the season.....
1. Hot Chocolate
2. Sitting by the fire.
3. Christmas music (AFTER NOV. 28TH)
4. warm cuddly socks.
5. Snuggling with the ones love watching, A Christmas story.
That's all I can think of right now sorry and really
I only wrote this post to say one thing...
* Sorry Jeni I Know you are already in full Christmas mode so I will be back to visit your blog on Nov. 28th! lol