Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pop Quiz...

Halloween movie quotes

I'm not going to post the answers so leave a comment and let me know how many you know........ (ok so the 1st one is a gimmie!)

1. "We got one! " or" ectoplasmic residew" (one of my fav halloweenish movies!)

2. "It's a good day to die" (1990)

3. "I'm so scared" (1990)

4. "It's the blood sucking brady bunch" (one of my fav Halloweenish movies!) 1987

5. "your gunna need a bigger boat" (1975)

6. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm having an old friend for dinner"

7. "Whatever you do don't fall asleep"

8. "I have come here to chew bubblegum or kick a**, and I'm all out of bubblegum" (1988)

9. "They're Heee-re"

10. "Oh yes there will be blood" (2005)

Good luck!


Lacey Sue said...

1) Ghostbusters (love it!)
2) Flatliners (Kevin Bacon is hot in this movie!)
3) couldn't figure this one out!!
4) Lost Boys (hilarious flick!)
5) Jaws
6) Silence of the lambs
7) Nightmare on Elm street
8) They Live
9) Poltergiest
10) Saw II
What was #3????

Unknown said...

WOW I'm really impressed! Did you cheat? Didn't I say no googleing?

Lacey Sue said...

no cheating, I am a movie quote FREAK! Ask my family, it's sad. I was tempted to on question 3 cause I couldn't figure it out, but I decided to be honest :)! hehehee

Unknown said...

Ok laci I think you earned it #3 is Blair witch project

Lacey Sue said...

AH man!!! I totally can see it now...with her boogers all hanging out of her nose and her boobing in the tent...GOT IT!! Geez I must have had a major brain fart on that one! Come do mine, see how you handle it...some are really easy I'll admit it right now...but oh well!!

Hansen Family said...

Wow i sucked I thought I maybe heard of a few but I couldn't name them like your friend I suck!