Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What I did on wednesday....

To be sung to the tune of 12 days of christmas....

12 Halloween Invites
11 Federal impact forms (ok ,ok 4 )
10 minute shower
9 Stories read to Tucker (same story over, and over)
8 Phone calls made
7 loads of laundry
6 Beds to make
I even hemmed a friends' temple gown.....
4 Gymnastics classes
3 Hours blogging (did I just admit that?)
2 Dozen cupcakes for football
1 pan of lasagna
And a family who means everything to me!

1 comment:

JaKell and Brandon said...

busy busy!

Fun to see your blog. E-mail me and I can add you to ours if you are intersted. Hope all is well. I see your kiddos now and then, they are sure cute!